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The School Board is made up of three parent representatives, three community representatives and four staff representatives, including the principal.

It is a decision-making body required and regulated by the School Education Act 1999, the School Education Regulations 2000 and the NPPS School Council Terms of Reference.

What is the School Board

The School Board plays an important role within the school, taking part in establishing and reviewing the school’s priorities and general policy directions. The Board works with the school to strengthen its capacity to best meet the needs of students. The Board comprises school staff, parents and community representatives.

The School Board’s functions include:

  • taking part in establishing and reviewing the school’s priorities and general policy directions;
  • taking part in planning the financial arrangements necessary to fund the school’s priorities and general policy directions;
  • taking part in the evaluation of the school’s performance in achieving its priorities;
  • approving certain charges and contributions and advertising and sponsorship agreements;
  • determining the school’s dress code in consultation with students, staff and parents;
  • providing advice to the principal on religious education and related activities; and
    promoting the school in the community.

Acknowledgement to Country

We acknowledge the Whadjuk people of the Noongar nation as the traditional custodians of this country and its waters, and that North Perth Primary School stands on Noongar country. We pay our respects to Noongar elders past, present and emerging. It is a privilege to be on Noongar country.