Inspiring young minds, creating possibilities.

Inclusivity & Resilience

Respect & Responsibility

Business Plan

Our vision and mission were developed in collaboration with our school community. The vision guides our approach to teaching…


K-6 Enrolments, along with Kindergarten & Pre-primary Applications/Enrolment are made by appointment only. Please follow the link below to make a time with us.

Mission & Values

Our mission is to foster a community of learners who are inspired by committed educators and parents who work together to empower each child to realise their potential. Read more “

Talk with us

At North Perth Primary School, we believe that positive engagement and building a strong relationship between home and school is essential to your child’s learning. 

North Perth Primary School holds prospective parent tours throughout the year.

North Perth Primary School a Long History

North Perth School 1940s

North Perth Primary School is one of the oldest continuously operating schools in Western Australia. Established in 1899, the school has seen growth and retraction in numbers as family population trends changed over the course of a century. North Perth Primary School was added to the State Register of Heritage Places in 2005.
The establishment of North Perth Primary School was a result of the spread of settlement north of Perth when the local population following the gold boom of the late 19th century.
See what’s happening around our school.

Acknowledgement to Country

We acknowledge the Whadjuk people of the Noongar nation as the traditional custodians of this country and its waters, and that North Perth Primary School stands on Noongar country. We pay our respects to Noongar elders past, present and emerging. It is a privilege to be on Noongar country.