Welcome to North Perth Primary School P&C
Role of the P&C
The P&C is a formally constituted group of parents and other interested persons established under the School Education Act (1999) to promote the interests of the school through:
- cooperation between parents, teachers, students and members of the general community;
- assisting in the provision of resources, facilities and amenities for the school or group of schools; and
- the fostering of community interest in educational matters.
About NPPS P&C
North Perth Primary School P&C enjoys a strong parent and community involvement, which is facilitated through an active and productive group of parents representing the NPPS Parents and Citizens Association (P&C). We welcome new members – it’s never too early or too late in your child’s time at NPPS to get involved! So, if you are keen to be part of our vibrant community, please email us at nppspnc@gmail.com.
Our activities can be summarised in the following three short sections however more detailed information is available on our website.
NPPS P&C Funding
Your P&C pays for equipment and programs that otherwise would not be covered in the school’s budget. This includes significant funds for the purchase of playground equipment, special educational programs, and many other resources. As parents, the P&C members recognise that these additional programs and resources enhance your child’s early learning outcomes and will contribute to their academic and social accomplishments – both in the short and long term.
If you would like to contribute to the work that we do, please donate to:
North Perth Primary School P&C
BSB: 633 000/ ACN: 112 545 256
(Please include your full name in the reference)
NPPS P&C Contact Details